Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Love Day

"You steal the time. You steal a date, you steal a kiss, you steal a whisper. After the kids are asleep you... well, you know. Whatever it is. You slip away for a night."  ~Jennifer Garner

Today is "the" day. The day that thousands of couples would flock to the malls, restaurants and ermm.. hotels, as what most advertising slogan says, for a day filled with love and romance. But for new parents like J and I, this day would be celebrated elsewhere. We think that Valentine's Day isn't just for couples. It can also be for friends or in our case, for family. Our Marley is still too little to go out so we decided to celebrate it in our home. Tipid na hassle free pa.

On this night J and I wanted to spend it with our baby so I made homemade popcorn. Yes we had home movie! I know it is the night of romance but I'm just not a fan of romantic movies so we watched Skyfall. Barilan with James Bond! hahaha! J would enjoy it more anyway. Had I put a cheesy movie on I would have had to drag his butt to the sofa. So here we are enjoying the start of the movie..

..that's me lounging in our sofa until Marley got bored in her rocker and wanted to be picked up. We  played for a wile and then sometime later I feed her and put her to bed. By the time she was fast asleep the movie was already nearing its end. So basically what I saw was the start and the end part of the movie. Sigh. But that's ok. I returned to my previous lying position and felt content seeing my baby sleeping soundly and J by my side holding me. I'll watch the middle part some other time.

PS. I would like to say a big thanks to J for the baby pink flowers :) When I was younger (like last year) I always told myself that I'd marry the one who'll give me flowers. I got married nalang and have yet to receive a single flower. That's how J is. Walng ka-romance-romance sa katawan. But I'm not complaining. I know who I married. He makes up for it in other ways anyway. So last night I made a big hint on what I want for Valentines Day. "J I want flowers. Not plastic. Delivered." Yes I'm blunt like that. I'm not going to get what I want if I won't voice it out noh. So earlier this morning J took me straight to the flower vendor in our office and brought me this. It was not delivered but still I'm grateful I get to have flowers on Valentines Day and be told I'm loved. I love him more. Keso! Anyway excuse the plastic container, it was my first time to receive flowers so I don't have a flower vase at home.

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